State of Ohio v. Randall Barnett
Court of Common Pleas for Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Randall Barnett was initially convicted in two felony cases and an 18 month prison sentence was imposed by Judge Pamela Barker of the Court of Common Pleas. He was represented at that stage by the Public Defender. Mr. Gibbons was then retained by Barnett’s fiancé to obtain his early release from the penitentiary. Mr. Gibbons worked with his clients to repay the full amount of restitution to the victim and to pay off the fines and court costs. Mr. Gibbons negotiated an early release arrangement with the Court and Prosecutor on his behalf. Gibbons filed and successfully pursued Barnett’s Judicial Release motion which was granted by the Court after Mr. Barnett served two months in prison. Mr. Barnett is presently on Probation and lives in Parma with his fiancé.
Court of Common Pleas for Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Randall Barnett was initially convicted in two felony cases and an 18 month prison sentence was imposed by Judge Pamela Barker of the Court of Common Pleas. He was represented at that stage by the Public Defender. Mr. Gibbons was then retained by Barnett’s fiancé to obtain his early release from the penitentiary. Mr. Gibbons worked with his clients to repay the full amount of restitution to the victim and to pay off the fines and court costs. Mr. Gibbons negotiated an early release arrangement with the Court and Prosecutor on his behalf. Gibbons filed and successfully pursued Barnett’s Judicial Release motion which was granted by the Court after Mr. Barnett served two months in prison. Mr. Barnett is presently on Probation and lives in Parma with his fiancé.